Guangzhou Muning Biotechnology Co., Ltd.AbbreviationMooning,Mooning于2015年在韩国创办,Mooning国际美业集团是一家国际化美业综合运营服务商,作为高新科技企业,向全球提供领先的韩系及化妆品等项目研发、生产、销售和服务于一体的医疗美容、生活美容系统解决方案和终端机构运营服务。

Company Introduction-Guangzhou Muning Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Mooning GroupThe business scope covers medical beauty equipment, life beauty equipment, household beauty equipment, professional skin care products, medical beauty clinics, skin beauty clinics, technology beauty clubs and other beauty fields.

Company Introduction-Guangzhou Muning Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

By cooperating with many large domestic and foreign medical beauty institutions, scientific research units and Korean medical experts, the Medical Beauty Division introduces the world's top technology, and provides domestic and foreign customers with professional research and development strength and EU production process standards covering dermatology, laser beauty At the same time, relying on the successful operation experience of medical beauty clinics and skin clinics, it also provides terminal clinic operation franchise services to doctors who have entrepreneurial dreams.


At present, our products have been widely used in more than 13,000 medical beauty institutions in more than 150 countries and regions around the world.

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